BAPKO Projects

Marmara University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit (BAPKO)

Marmara University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit which has been actively carrying out research since 1984 aims to support research proposals which will be directed under researchers who hold a doctoral degree in the relevant fields. BAPKO which has supported various kinds of projects also facilitates the  institute’s projects under the heading of Type C projects. BAPKO supports the following types of projects:

Project A: Scientific Research Development Projects : These  projects constitute the scientific research studies of the academic staff.

Project B: Multidiciplinary Research Projects:  These research projects constitute the ones conducted through  interdisciplinary teamwork and through collaborative work with different institutions.

Project C: Graduate Thesis Projects:  These projects constitute scientific support for various theses,projects and exhibitions (I,e MA theses, PhD and MD theses)

Project D: Projects that support scientific research in the international arena. The projects involve  support for participating in activities such as international conferences, symposiums, exhibitions and/or presentations

Project E: Projects that support infrastructure improvement for scientific research

Project F: Research projects that are affiliated with industry

Project G: Research projects that receive support from different national institutions: These projects involve  support for research projects that collaborate with DPT, TÜBİTAK and other national institutions

Project H: Projects that support international research:  These projects receive partial or full support from  international institutions such as European Union.

Project I: Projects that aim to improve  the quality of teaching and learning: The projects are carried out for making better use of contemporary technologies and for improving the quality of teaching and learning.

This page updated by Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü on 02.04.2013 10:06:43